If an infection of the nails by fungus, it is necessary to take immediate action with the http://bit.ly/3icfoZ. There are several treatment options, one of them is the use of home remedies for nail fungus.
Home remedies have been around us forever as a result of people, which is a healing. These are the recipes passed down from generation to generation, because in most cases does not work. Yes, in most cases. They are based on empirical evidence, not on scientific experiments.
Here are some home remedies popular nail fungus:
-Soak nails in a solution, usually with chlorine, Listerine mouthwash and / or hydrogen peroxide. This treatment, you should use all day and all the nail fungus treatment, it takes months to restore the nail.
Application of Vick Vaporub and essential oils directly on skin. In all treatments of the nail, which should work better. One of the best essential oils for this type of application is the oil of tea tree, often found in Australia. There is scientific evidence for the antifungal activity of this oil, and penetration. In addition, as the solution of this home remedy for nail fungus should be applied daily.
Vinegar. Household vinegar has been reported as a working method for the treatment of onychomycosis. It is necessary to apply two or more times a day practice, every day.
-The pure essential oil of oregano. Another essential oil that is very popular because of their properties. This oil is antiseptic, anti fungal and analgesic. An effective combination of treatment at home.
These are just some of the home remedies for the most popular nail fungus. It is necessary not work for all, the effect depends on several factors. I provided the basic information you need on home remedies for nail fungus is not the intention to decide on visits to doctors to help you replace what is best for you . Nail fungus treatments are long, and professional help to cope with side effects in order.
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