Fungi are microscopic organisms that grow in dark, damp places, so they do not need sunlight to live. The infections most common fungi are called by a group of fungi caused by dermatophytes. Some fungal infections caused by yeasts and molds. Regimen will vary depending on whether the patient is infected by the fungus.
Where can I get it?
There are many variables to explain why someone could accelerate a fungus. The most common myth is that the only bad hygiene is likely to be infected by the fungus. This is not the case, since there are many contributing factors that lead to fungal infections.
Men are more frequently infected and often affects adults over 60 years. People who tend to perspire a lot to have a higher risk, since it is the ideal environment for fungal growth is available. People who live or work in a damp environment to infect more.
Other employees are things such as small skin lesions and nails, other infections, diabetes, presentation of the hands or feet, moisture or excessive washing is not too often and thoroughly dried. Finally, smoking increases the risk of mold.
How do I prevent nail fungus?
Prevention is important in treatment. Even when treated successfully, and completely re-occurring fungus treatment may be necessary when prevention. If you live or work in a wet or damp, you should wear protective gloves and remember to wear socks and shoes that breathe often. Avoid barefoot in public places like public swimming pools, changing rooms.
Be careful when cutting nails and feet, so they are not too short or cut the skin or near the bottom. Keep clean feet and hands, but be sure to dry thoroughly after each wash.
What are my treatment options are there?
There are few treatment options there. Oral medications are often prescribed by a doctor and are sometimes used in combination with other types of treatment. Unfortunately, some oral drugs tend to be expensive and have negative side effects.
Other options that can be used for treatment, including antifungal lacquer, topical medications, surgical removal of the nail or no treatment (in some cases, very sweet).
How long is the treatment?
The treatment may take up to 12 weeks for toenails, and only 6 weeks for fingernails.
Are there any side effects of various treatments available?
There are some moderate or severe adverse reactions, which involved a number of prescription drugs. If you have liver or heart, your doctor will probably recommend that you take any medication in the mouth. Talk to your doctor about the best regimen.
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