Nail Toe Fungus

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If you want, how to prevent and cure fungal nail infections, how, then you should read this article. In this article I will tell you which treatments are effective and how to prevent nail fungus, since prevention is better than spending the day making the treatment of nail fungus.

The first thing I want to share with you how to prevent below are some tips to prevent nail toe fungus.

  1. Keep your feet wet for a long period, as you know fungus thrives in damp places and can also grow on the feet if you keep it moist at all times.
  2. Never use wet socks when you go to bed, I know very tired and ready to hit the sack, but still think of it, remove wet or dirty socks before bed.
  3. Always change your socks regularly if you have the same socks for three days with just you, it is time for a new, remember that the feet of sewage disposal is a key element in preventing fungal infections result.
Now, for healing, I'm going with you some tips on how to treat nail fungus actions, do not forget, however, these treatments do not remove the fungus during the night, be patient.
  1. Get a little alcohol in your local store and get a container big enough for two feet, then pour a little alcohol into deep enough to soak the nails, and then let it take 20 minutes after it dries completely. To do this twice a day.
  2. Getting hydrogen peroxide (3%) of their local store and get your nails in it for 20-30 minutes, after they dry completely. To do this twice a day.
As you can see above, the treatment of fungal nail infections are easy to make but it will take months for you to see results, especially if you have a serious fungal infection.

Fortunately, there is a rapid and effective treatment to get rid of the infection by the fungus nails in all types of fungus and can be of fungal nail in recent weeks.

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